"The LORD God said, " It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:5
Bible scripture has been used as a foundation to set laws and boundaries within society. These laws have become the foundation within the family home and have even been used to determine gender roles to set guidelines for gender equality. For some the bible and it's rules seem archaic and out of date, forcing individuals to steer society into ways of feminism and political correctness. With setting teeth and sword against those who believe that the word of God has to stand for time eternity, the sands of time have changed but not always for the better. It's a complicated issue but the issue isn't with God's word or His law, the issue are the laws that have come from the interpretation of God's word. This study will show that the rules set by men to determine gender roles and guidelines, was not what God intended.
The above scripture is an altered version of an English translation of God's word. If that sounds confusing it is because the word usage to describe woman and her role along side man is not as it should be. Taking scripture back to its original language, the beauty of who a woman is as a helpmate to man, is revealed in the Hebraic word of God. Hebrew interpretation reveals a stunning insight of the responsibility of a woman.
"The LORD God said, " It is not good for the adam ( the human) to be alone. I will make a help mate (help meet) " Genesis 2:5
In the article "The image of God is also reflected in women", the roles man and woman were created in as a completed reflection of the image of God's character is discussed through the interpretation of the Hebraic word. Keeping the character of God in mind as a separate and complete reflection in the two people He created, the above scripture reveals a deeper understanding into gender equality. English interpretation suggests that men take on a leadership role because the woman was created to help and learn from him. This is simply not the original Hebrew understanding as we have missed the more profound meaning.
The above scripture is an altered version of an English translation of God's word. If that sounds confusing it is because the word usage to describe woman and her role along side man is not as it should be. Taking scripture back to its original language, the beauty of who a woman is as a helpmate to man, is revealed in the Hebraic word of God. Hebrew interpretation reveals a stunning insight of the responsibility of a woman.
"The LORD God said, " It is not good for the adam ( the human) to be alone. I will make a help mate (help meet) " Genesis 2:5
In the article "The image of God is also reflected in women", the roles man and woman were created in as a completed reflection of the image of God's character is discussed through the interpretation of the Hebraic word. Keeping the character of God in mind as a separate and complete reflection in the two people He created, the above scripture reveals a deeper understanding into gender equality. English interpretation suggests that men take on a leadership role because the woman was created to help and learn from him. This is simply not the original Hebrew understanding as we have missed the more profound meaning.
The Hebrew word for helper is 'ezer'. (Strong's dictionary reference # 5828) It's meaning is not the same as any English definition of the word. The Hebrew word is a combination of two original Hebrew words that mean ' to save' and 'to be strong'. The meaning of 'help' certainly can be used to describe these two words as giving someone a helping hand doesn't always mean to serve as in a lesser role. To help can also mean to serve or provide assistance in a shared or equal role. An example of this would be a partnership in a professional service. Paramedics often ride together and share in the medical duties and assist one another according to the needs of the situation. The same is true for police department service providers. Two policeman will often ride in one car to provide back up and help for the other. They are both equal in training and experience but for safety and security pairing partners is protocol.
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:10
To save someone is to help them out of a bind, to pick them up when they are emotionally down, to rescue them out of their emotional darkness. To offer help through suggestions and servitude from another perspective is not a subservient role in the least!
The English word held in question that goes along with the word 'helper' is the word 'suitable.' Suitable in Hebrew is 'kenegdo' (Strong's dictionary reference # 5048) and it does not mean what we think it means. It means 'opposite'. Woman was created to be the opposite of man. She who was created in the image of God was created in the opposite image of man who was created in the opposite image of her. Kenegdo also means in front of. When one is standing in front of a mirror they see a reflection of themselves but that reflection is opposite to one's true likeness. This is what man and woman are to each other. Together they make up the complete image of God, and are each other's opposite providing strength, support, guidance because without this kind of support through strength (ezer) of opposing character (kenegdo) they are not made complete and cannot be as one.
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."
The English word held in question that goes along with the word 'helper' is the word 'suitable.' Suitable in Hebrew is 'kenegdo' (Strong's dictionary reference # 5048) and it does not mean what we think it means. It means 'opposite'. Woman was created to be the opposite of man. She who was created in the image of God was created in the opposite image of man who was created in the opposite image of her. Kenegdo also means in front of. When one is standing in front of a mirror they see a reflection of themselves but that reflection is opposite to one's true likeness. This is what man and woman are to each other. Together they make up the complete image of God, and are each other's opposite providing strength, support, guidance because without this kind of support through strength (ezer) of opposing character (kenegdo) they are not made complete and cannot be as one.
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."
Ephesians 5:25
"Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them." Colossians 3:18-19
The roles of women in scripture are clear as God did not make women to be subjected to any sort of subordination from men and men are not to make victims out of their wives. The roles of both genders are quite clear as the character of men and women together in unity reflect the character of God in His entire image. The roles of Christ and God are reflected in the image of men and woman who are evenly yoked and serve God in righteousness. (This is further studied within the Designing You women's retreat online.) It needs to be known that in the house of God, there are no gender specifics as in heaven men and women will not unite themselves to marry and produce children. This allows us to understand that the character reflected in the Deity of God through the partnership of men and women is manifested complete upon uniting with God in eternity.
While it is true that a woman cannot do what a man can do, she expresses strengths that men do not have and this can be said of men also. If we strip away the gender specifics and set them aside to reveal the spiritual nature of both men and women, we would see a better likeness of the God head as God intended. And God intended us to be united together by one spirit under the house of God with the expressed direction of equality for everyone on earth as it is in heaven.
While it is true that a woman cannot do what a man can do, she expresses strengths that men do not have and this can be said of men also. If we strip away the gender specifics and set them aside to reveal the spiritual nature of both men and women, we would see a better likeness of the God head as God intended. And God intended us to be united together by one spirit under the house of God with the expressed direction of equality for everyone on earth as it is in heaven.
" But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit." 1 Corinthians 6: 17
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28