What causes you hindrance? What in your past effects your future?  Sometimes it is hard to ask ourselves these questions but they are needed in order to move forward. Life is constantly asking you questions and revealing those answers to you. How well you listen depends on how observant you are.

Dreams are a way for your brain to sort out the past, your present and the direction you are headed in order to decide and live out your future. Have you ever asked God about your dreams and what they mean? Key biblical figures were given dreams, why not you?

Most people assume that God given dreams have to be prophetic about societies future, but why cant't they be prophetic about you? They should be, they need to be as dreams are a way God communicated to us in order that we can see issues within us that need to change. But just as God gives dreams, the enemy can infiltrate our minds to implant false directions in our dreams also. This is why it is important to know who you are communicating with day in and day out.

God will always show you something about yourself that can be backed up with His word. Meaning if there is something within you you you are struggling with, you can take the message from that dream and back it up with bible scripture. The enemy only offers confusion, and gives us solutions and directions that placate our hurting hearts.

To have an understanding of scripture firstly before you endeavour to interpret your dream is essential in receiving the correct answer. With that said, it is equally important to know about your enemy through God's word also. When in doubt always take your concerns about your dream to God in prayer. Sometimes dreams can be effected by the activities we participate in and the foods we eat so use cation and objectivity when looking for answers within your dreams. And no, you don't need to consult a dream dictionary or biblical symbols to help validate a dream. God knows you best and will use things in your dream that have personal meaning to you. These things will evoke emotion or memory and these are important things to keep in mind.

Keep a dream journal and write down dreams that have a Godly significance. Are your dreams directing you in ways you can change? Are they drawing you closer to God? Are they revealing intimate issues of your past you have yet to deal with? Keeping a record helps you to become mindful to change and to halt behavioural patterns that are preventing you from recieving a close relationship with God and dreams are way to ensure you reach the fullest potential with Him.

Some questions to ask yourself and God when you have received communication from Him through a dream:

What events are taking place in my life now that have a direct relation to this dream?
Is there any biblical significance within this dream?
Is this dream revealing my wayward behaviour?
What lesson can be gained from this dream and can it be backed up with biblical history?
What emotions does this dream bring up?
Were you the main subject of the dream?

If you need help in figuring out some important dreams for you, getting a different perspective may help. Contact me and let!s figure this out.