The Law of Attraction; A secret truth

No doubt you have heard of The Law of Attraction. It is a concept that utilizes the 'power of positive thinking' to achieve specific beneficial goals and outcomes in one's life. This concept is actually nothing new, but was brought to the world's attention in 2006 by author Rhonda Byrne.  She wrote the best selling self help book entitled 'The Secret'  that created quite a stir especially in Christian circles.

Outside criticism received from 'The Secret'  suggested that its 'pseudoscience' gives an 'illusion of knowledge' and the references given to quantum mechanics is perhaps too much 'science' for the 'lay person' to understand; including the author of  'The Secret'.  I admit I haven't read the book, nor do I intend to. But as a 'lay person' with an interest in science who has a working knowledge of quantum mechanics along with a working understanding of God and His word, I know I can help you dear reader understand that the secret things revealed to God's children about God are for us to know. What God wants for us to know we are not supposed to keep a secret as there is nothing hidden from us that God wants us to know. He reveals to us in order that we can better live for Him.

This article will help alleviate critic's tensions and derision among Christian circles because I believe The Law of Attraction is correct, but not entirely  correct. Because with anything if God is left out of the details it is false in its own right and further becomes twisted as man brings his own understanding. Most often times this is a false understanding as personal opinion is confused with personal understanding and attaches to the ego which puffs up.  The Law of Attraction is not anything new and that is because it originates within Godly design. Ten years ago 'The Secret' was not a new concept, it was just re-invented with a 'new age' spin. A spin that wove a web of deceit that depends on who you ask, does it work? To some it does and to others it doesn't; this article will tell you why.

Dealing with Anger: Taming the emotional beast within

Anger is described as being an emotional state of mild annoyance to extreme and intense rage and agitation. It can be at times a wonderful motivator but most often is a tragic hindrance. Understand the true nature of anger so that you can take back control in order that anger no longer emotionally cripples you.

Psychologists call anger a healthy emotion as it can be used in a way that motivates us into well intended situations, but more often than not, we allow anger to be used as the fuel for the fire that kindles within. While this emotion is normal and common, I do not believe it is healthy because God suggests that it is not all that beneficial. Scripture shows us that anger is a normal human response, how it becomes unhealthy is when we give ourselves over to it and allow ourselves to indulge in sin.

In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Ephesians 4:6

 Anger can be best described as being an intense emotion brought on by the feeling of being offended, frustrated, wronged, confused, and denied. All these feelings come about when one makes the conscious choice to stand up against the offending party or event and try to stop the wrong doing.
You can’t think straight when you are angry. When we get angry, we do not realize that already the retaliation that is turning over in our minds and our hearts is leading us into sin. The above scripture is telling us it’s better to not be angry because what happens when we sin in our anger? We hurt someone else.

Ephesians 4:6 explicitly states that we are responsible, okay not in so many words, but reading between the lines, and using biblical license, it’s there. How do I know it’s there? Because we are responsible of how we treat one another, ourselves or God. Anger is never an excuse. Just because we get angry because someone else made us angry is not an excuse that warrants any way ward behavior.

Do you know that Moses sinned in his anger? His anger cost him from entering into the land of Canaan. It wasn’t that Moses was unloved by God, far from it. The reason why Moses wasn’t permitted entry was because in his anger he disobeyed God. What’s the number one rule that we are supposed to adhere by?

Depression: Getting rid of the emotional silent stalker

You've decided that you have been struggling with depression long enough. Today is the day you finally get help even though you've been to doctors and therapists, looking for answers. The high cost of health care, taking time off work and just seemingly spinning your wheels is not something you want to repeat. You want help. You know you need help. But where to find help?  There has to be an easier and alternative way to be free from the silent monkey on your back that is invading your every waking moment and space of privacy.

 Getting healthy shouldn't be so expensive and hard should it? And then there's the times when you did take the prescribed meds that seemingly took forever to work. When they did kinda, sorta, uh maybe work, you had side effects to deal with. It didn't matter that the meds came with a waiver, but the lung pangs were scary enough to make you rethink your decision. Talking to therapists helped a bit, but finding time to talk was an issue for you all on its own. You are a wife, or a mother, in a relationship and your time is not always your own. Your job makes enough demands on your time as it is. No, there has to be a better way. Is there a better way? 

Bullying: Helping Kids be Kids

Bullying is a behavior that can be detected very early on in life and is often thought of as ‘kids being kids’. While it is true that some kids just don’t get along, it is important to identify the reasons behind such behavior as bullying is never just an isolated incident.

Bullying is hard to stop because most bullying behavior begins within the privacy of the home. Some children may even grow up and continue the bully behavior in their adult life.

Bullying is characterized as being unwanted negative behavior that occurs frequently but most often in secret. Bullying can take place anywhere and can effect anyone. Children and adults alike are not immune to bullying as it can occur at school, at home, at the work place, even over the internet.

Most advocates against bullying suggest that standing up to the aggressor will eventually stop negative behavior. This isn't always a good start, as most often the bully escalates the behavior out of embarrassment and humiliation, or they  turn their behavior towards someone else.

So what can you do if you or someone you know is being bullied?

Tell someone you trust and know who will help. If you are uncertain or afraid of telling someone, consider contacting your local crisis outreach center for some valuable suggestion. In the meantime, here are some helpful hints in this article that may help to alleviate bullying.